Getting into HTML world!!!

Saraswathi M A
5 min readJan 31, 2022


HTML(HyperText Markup Language ) is the standard markup language used to make web pages. It is used for defining layout of a page.

A markup language is a method of making notes in a digital document that can be differentiated from regular text.

It is the most fundamental building block needed for developing websites.

We use HTML tags to define look and feel of a website. We start building a website by creating a file named index.html.

A Basic HTML page is shown below:

<!Doctype html>                         ->  specifies HTML5 doc
<html> -> root of HTML page
<head> -> contains page metadata
<title>Saraswathi's Site</title> -> contains title
</head> -> closing head tagx`
<body> -> main body of page (rendered by browser)
<h1>This is heading</h1> -> heading tag
<p>This is paragraph> -> paragraph tag
</body> -> closing body tag
</html> -> closing HTML tag
  • Doctypes — short for ‘document type’ — help browsers to understand the version of HTML the document is written in for better interpretability.
  • Head and body are children of HTML tag
  • We can either use .htm or .html extension
  • You can use “Inspect Element” or “View Page Source” option from Chrome to look into a websites HTML code.

HTML element

  • An element = start tag + content + end tag Eg: <p>Hello</p>
  • Contents are written between opening and closing tags
  • Some HTML tags doesnt have content. These are called Empty element. Eg: <br />


A tag is like a container for either content or other HTML tags. Below are some of the most used tags of HTML

HTML is a case insensitive language. <h1> and <H1> are the same.

Commonly used tags

  • <p>: A paragraph of text starting on a new line.
  • <h1>: A page heading usually used for page titles.
  • <h2>: A section heading usually used for section titles.
  • <hx>: Where x is a number between 3 and 6, for smaller headings.
  • <form>: A form containing fields or inputs for a user to fill out and submit.
  • <input>: An input field for users to enter information, usually within a form.
  • <div>: A content division, used to group together several other elements for spacing purposes. div is a block (new line, full width) level element.
  • <span>: Another grouping element, but used to wrap text phrases within another element, usually to apply specific formatting to only a specific part of the text content. It is inline (req width, no new line).
  • <pre>: HTML always ignores extra spaces and newlines. In order to display a piece of text as it is, we use pre tag. Eg: <pre>H e l l ooo</pre>

HTML attributes

  • Used to add more information corresponding to an HTML tag.
  • We can either use single or doublt quotes in attributes.
  • Eg: < a href=’’>Google</a> ; href is attribute.
  1. img
  • Used to add image to HTML page.
<img src=”logo.png” width=”200" height=”200” alt=”logo”/>

2. links

  • A anchor tag is used to add links to existing content inside HTML page.
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>Google</a>

where, target=”_blank” will open in new tab; default is pixels

<a href=”/about”><img src=”a.png” width=”120”></a>

Empty tags

  • <br>: Break tags is used to create line breaks in an HTML document.
  • <hr>: Used to create a horizontal ruler, often used to separate content.

Inline text formatting tags

  • <b> / <strong>: We can use bold tags to highlight text.
  • <em> / <i>: We can use italic tags to highlight text. (em: emphasize)
  • <u> / <ins>: We can use bold, italic, underline tags to highlight text.
  • <big>, <small>: We can make the text a bit larger and smaller using these tags respectively.
  • <sub>,<sup>: We can add subsript and superscripts in HTML.
  • <mark>: We can highlight text with color. Eg:<p>I Love to write <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr></p>
  • <abbr>: To mark some expression as an abbreviation.
  • <del>: We can scratch text using del.
  • <s>: To strike through text.


  1. Unordered List (ul) and list content (li)

2. Ordered list (ol) and list content (li)


3. dl (definition list) and dt(terms) and dd(definition)

- Soft sweet frozen food</dd>

Comments in HTML

Comments in HTML are used to mark text which should not be parsed. They can help document the the source code.

Eg: <!-- HTML comment -->

HTML Table

<th colspan="3"></th>
<th rowspan="2"></th>
  • colspan is used to create cells spanning multiple columns


<!-- text -->
<label for=”username”>Uername</label><br/>
<input type=”text” id=”username”/><br/>
<!-- textarea -->
<label for=”about”></label><br>
<textarea id=”about”></textarea><br>
<!-- select options/dropdown -->
<label for=”country”>country</label>
<select id=”country”>
<option value=”india”>India</option>
<option value=”usa”>usa</option>
<option value=”malaysia”>malaysia</option>
<!-- radio -->
<label>Job type</label>
<input type=”radio” name=”jobtype” value=”parttime” id=”parttime”/>
<label for=”parttime”>Part time</label>
<input type=”radio” name=”jobtype” value=”fulltime” id=”fulltime”/>
<label for=”fulltime”>Full time</label>
<!-- checkbox -->
<label>Job type</label>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”jobtypecb” value=”parttimecb” id=”parttimecb”/>
<label for=”parttimecb”>Part time</label>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”jobtypecb” value=”fulltimecb” id=”fulltimecb”/>
<label for=”fulltimecb”>Full time</label>
<button type=”submit”>Submit</button>

Semantic HTML

  • When grouping elements or content in webpage, it is possible to use div and span tags
  • However, these tags tell nothing about their content
  • These tags or elements are content specific elements
  • A semantic element clearly describe their meaning in a human and machine-readable way
  • Suggests to the developer the type of data that will be populated
  • It helps search engines to influence the page search rankings


<meta charset=”utf-8"/>
<meta name=”author” content=”google”>
<meta name=”description” content=”google gets all info”>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”>

Embedding videos

Video tag is used to play videos in HTML

<video src="logo.mp4">Logo voice</video>

1. width: to adjust width of video (height automatically adjusts)

2. autoplay/loop to autoplay or loop the video

HTML SEO (On page SEO)

  • Set the title very nice and to the point
  • Set the meta description
  • Set a nice URL slug
  • Set the meta keywords tag
  • Set the meta author tag
  • Set a favicon
  • Compress images and other resources
  • Remove unused HTML/CSS and JS files + compress them
  • Add alt text to images



Saraswathi M A
Saraswathi M A

Written by Saraswathi M A


Sr Software Engineer

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